So this week was pretty sweet. We met a lot of awesome people. One of the best things about being out here is the ability we have to make awesome friends and meet really cool people. It is also crazy how instantly you grow to love the people you meet. You want the best for them.
We met these people that own a motocross company. We talked to them
for a bit and they gave us some cool stickers. Haha they were funny guys and weren't interested at all. We were able to build a great relationship though. That's the cool thing. Once they earn respect for
you as a person they are much more likely to earn respect for your message. Something cool I've learned this week :)
We had the trainer trainee meeting this week. That's there basically to get us all pumped up about missionary work and how we are supposed to do it. Every time president Taylor speaks it is inspiring. He knows how to say it and what exactly to say.
Along with some cool people I met some crazy people this week as well haha. This one old lady answered the door screaming and said "Jehovah or Mormon?" So of course we said Mormons. She then went on literally yelling in our faces about Jesus being our savior. And then breaking into random prayers. While she was doing all this preaching she was yelling random facts about herself. That had literally nothing to do with what she was screaming about like: "I'm 87 years old. Only through his blood are we saved" then "I got my toes painted today! And you guys need to know you aren't getting any closer to heaven with what you're doing" it was super hard to not laugh at what she was
saying. Like seriously screaming at us... Haha it was super funny and definitely hasn't happened to me on my mission until this point haha.
So we called a member to pick us up from a district meeting. He rolled up in a 2014 SS Camaro convertible. How many missionaries do you see riding in one of those things around town? Haha I'm starting to really like cars since I've been on my mission!
We met these people that own a motocross company. We talked to them
for a bit and they gave us some cool stickers. Haha they were funny guys and weren't interested at all. We were able to build a great relationship though. That's the cool thing. Once they earn respect for
you as a person they are much more likely to earn respect for your message. Something cool I've learned this week :)
We had the trainer trainee meeting this week. That's there basically to get us all pumped up about missionary work and how we are supposed to do it. Every time president Taylor speaks it is inspiring. He knows how to say it and what exactly to say.
Along with some cool people I met some crazy people this week as well haha. This one old lady answered the door screaming and said "Jehovah or Mormon?" So of course we said Mormons. She then went on literally yelling in our faces about Jesus being our savior. And then breaking into random prayers. While she was doing all this preaching she was yelling random facts about herself. That had literally nothing to do with what she was screaming about like: "I'm 87 years old. Only through his blood are we saved" then "I got my toes painted today! And you guys need to know you aren't getting any closer to heaven with what you're doing" it was super hard to not laugh at what she was
saying. Like seriously screaming at us... Haha it was super funny and definitely hasn't happened to me on my mission until this point haha.
So we called a member to pick us up from a district meeting. He rolled up in a 2014 SS Camaro convertible. How many missionaries do you see riding in one of those things around town? Haha I'm starting to really like cars since I've been on my mission!
Awesome story: we were trying by a potential with a pretty different name. On our way there we heard "hey elders" so we went and talked to him. He was a member of the ward. We are both pretty new so we are definitely starting to get to know the ward, but we have lots to go.
Well anyways we talked with him about his neighbors and how they probably wouldn't be interested. Then we started to talk about the movie heaven is for real. Well we went over there anyways and tried by her. Well we talked to a guy that was unlikely to listen according to
the neighbor. Well he just so happened to bring up heaven is for real as well (I want to see that!) and we were able to teach him. Then we went back and told the member. He was excited. So excited that on Sunday he decided to tell the whole high priest quorum, in the middle of the meeting. It was pretty cool. You NEVER KNOW.
there are always prepared people out there, we as missionaries just have to rely on The Lord and find them. We were able to find 5 new investigators this week.
We got to go out with a couple members this week. Once with our ward mission leader! Bro. Hardy is like they best guy! I love him. We have gotten really close only within like 2 weeks. We have some awesome places to go with the work in this ward. We were knocking on this
door. She answered and elder Brase said how are you? Shook her hand and introduced himself. Then he waited a few seconds and said "how are you" again. It was super funny because right after that bro. Hardy was like "dang this kid is full of em. He really knows how to break the
ice" he's a bro.
We had two exchanges this week! One with the district leader, and another with the zone leaders. Miracles happen with exchanges. We talk to a lot of awesome people and magically teach like 6 lessons even though we have no lessons scheduled. With the first exchange I learned that it is awful to argue with people. It leaves an awful impression and the spirit automatically leaves us. Nothing good comes from it. I tried to stop it as soon as the arguing started. But they just kept going.
The second exchange was super awesome! The elder I went with is super
cool and we get along great. We did some work too! We taught everyone
we talked to pretty much! Something important I learned this week is that numbers are there to help you achieve things. But that is not your focus! Some missionaries only want numbers. Like yes we need more lessons get 3 more lessons this day or something. For me... It's not about that. I want to help as many people as I can yes. But throwing
numbers out makes the work way less fun. When we went out we didn't
worry about numbers. We just went out. Had fun and eventually taught more lessons.

More awesome people! We met a member of the are from Jamaica who loves missionaries! He even gave us a key to his house! Crazy huh? We had
dinner over there. He made us goat curry stuff.. Haha yep I have now eaten goat. And sucked the marrow out of the bone (not too bad) I love ethnic food! And I haven't even really had it here very much. He said that he is glad that we have awesome missionaries here now. The whole ward is talking about it (according to him) he's a great guy.
Then something sweet happened! We met a guy with a lotus! We talked
with him for a bit. We were able to talk with him a lot and tell him a lot about why we are out here and stuff. His neighbor even came by and we taught him as well! I will never forget Eric and Big John. They
were just really nice genuine guys. I enjoyed talking with them. We eventually got so close with them that we got to sit in the lotus! So many awesome cars! Woo!
I really enjoy this ward a lot. It has a lot of youth it reminds me of red bridge. They have like 10 missionaries out in this ward as well. I just feel welcome and loved here!
Something pretty funny about being in a bike area. You get super tan riding around all the time. But it's like a weird tanline on your fingers, they are less tan than the rest of your hand because they
aren't facing the sun when you are riding.
I am more than thankful to be in this area. It wasn't left in the best state. I am so ready to keep doing work in this area. I think the members are getting excited as well. We have a church tour the 15th
and Elder Brase and I will be singing and playing some songs to start it off. The whole ward is kind of getting pumped up for missionary work.
Words are probably some of the strongest things we can use. Yes people
say that actions speak louder than words. But it truly depends on the
words you use. And using words that put out love towards others are key to missionary work. This great quote from Uchtdorf "No, God does not need us to love Him. But oh, how we need to love God!
For what we love determines what we seek.
What we seek determines what we think and do.
What we think and do determines who we are--and who we will become."(The Love of God)
So to end this email.
I love you all so much. I miss you. I hope that the best things are happening for you all.
Elder Hamrick
Inside of the lotus
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