Monday, July 28, 2014

I've learned more this week than my whole mission

July 28, 2014

Holy cow where do I even start? I guess the beginning of the week is a good place to start huh? This email might be pretty long, just a heads up.

It was sort of sad leaving Vancouver 7th ward, luckily I was only there for a transfer so I didn't get super close.. But it was weird leaving already. We got to take missionaries out on there first day.
That was pretty cool. It was like a little teaser of what these next 3 months are going to be like. The person I took out wasn't super nervous, but he was at the same time. It is crazy to think that that
was me like 5 months ago. It feels like a month. Maybe... Haha either way. It is crazy how time flies here on a mission. And it's only gonna go faster the longer I am out.

Transfer day! We got to transfers a little bit early and got to hang out with some of my favorite missionaries. Elder Canada being one of them. Me and him will always be super close friends. Anyways. We go into the meeting and hear who all the new missionaries are going with.
First it starts with a musical number sung and played by two brand new missionaries! That was pretty cool. Right before that I said I hope that my "son" can sing and is musical. Well little did I know haha. Elder Brase is who I am training. Who just so happens to be from
Topeka Kansas, and the one singing the musical number in front of everyone. It is amazing that I got to be his companion! There are now 4 missionaries from Kansas in this mission, and two of us are
together! He is such a stud. And an awesome missionary already. So things are going to be great. Heavenly Father knew that I wouldn't be able to handle a goober to train. I am having enough problems with just trying to be the best trainer I can be. Oh well my "son" is
awesome. And we have the coolest and best posterity in the mission. I will send a picture of that sometime soon.

So we got back to our garage, room, where we stay, and unpacked. We
live with the Gage's. Pics have only seen them about 2 times since I have been here. Haha so I don't know much about them yet. Then we started looking through the area book. That was the start of it all.. Haha I had NO CLUE WHAT TO DO! We both are basically starting this
area, and we were left with all these names that we know nothing about, and we have bikes and just have to ride around to figure out the area. Luckily the first day we were able to have dinner with a really cool recent convert, and then teach him. Then we had a meeting
with the COOLEST ward mission leader ever. He is seriously one of the coolest guys I've ever met. He talks just like me. Haha. He calls us all bros, dudes, man, he is just awesome. He told us about the focus for this ward is member trust. So we are trying our best to earn that. I want people to trust us.

So I had my first day of training elder Brase. Luckily I feel like he is a better missionary in some ways. So I feel like we are both going to be learning a lot. Who knows I might even learn more haha. We've been doing a lot of tracting, and finding people to talk to on spathe
streets. While learning the area better haha. We continue to have meetings like every day, so that is pretty frustrating sometimes. Time where we could be out working, but we are stuck in a meeting.
Something happened this week that I really didn't thing was going to happen.

I got strayed with a hose by someone we were talking to! It was totally on purpose too! He was cleaning his trash can then out of nowhere just sprays me with it. Of course I just said it was chill. Then when we left I was like really? I can't believe that happened. And it was totally a good thing for my companion to see on his 2nd day in the field haha...

I have learned the true power of prayer a lot more this week. We continue to have bad days every other day pretty much haha. But when things are getting rough. I pray for something to get me through the night. Almost every time i do that something cool happens.

Portuguese class basically wasted a day for us this week. We had to go
pick up another missionary and it took an extra two hours of travel time.. Pretty lame, and I suck at Portuguese now... So there's that.

There are some awesome families in this ward, so that's good we get to know them better during dinners. So much fun.

So I hadn't really asked anyone to be baptized until the past two months. Now I have done it every week for almost 3 weeks now. It is super crucial to the message that we have to share. I can't think of a better way to come closer to Christ. We had a miracle where I just
straight up asked him. He said yes. But the most frustrating thing is that he is 13 and his dad has basically straight up told us no with him.

Sunday was the best day of the week. We had a bunch of meetings in the morning. I got to know more of the auxiliaries in the ward so that was pretty good. I enjoyed the meetings. We talked about something that is probably going to be the best thing ever! "Evergreen Unplugged" we are going to do a whole concert! With non members performing and less actives, and us missionaries! I am super pumped! It's going to be like
the coolest thing ever. Then church was good.

Pretty crazy story. I saw this face that I had recognized. So I went up to her and said hey I think I know you from the MTC. I had done service for her once while I was in the MTC. It was crazy, now she's
going to be going on a mission as well. It was pretty crazy that I got reassigned somewhere, and now she's actually in my ward now.

Then we had the best Night of tracting. We knocked doors, but we were
persistent. I mean really persistent. They would say they weren't interested, but I would just keep talking. And we would end up teaching them. I have learned so much about being a good missionary
from our district leader elder Kelly. He is an amazing missionary. He calls us every night and we talk about ways to be better missionaries. He knows how to help. Needless to say I have learned quite a bit in these past 5 days here. Then Sunday night we talked to this man named
chaba. He is searching for the truth so hard. He wants a new life. So I told elder Brase to ask him to be baptized. He said yes. It was a crazy spiritual experience. The spirit really does speak through us.
We were both thinking of saying the same things multiple times. So the spirit was going to make sure that one of us was going to say it no matter what. We are going to refer him to the Spanish missionaries though. He is a super solid guy.

I will have to admit this has also been probably one of the hardest weeks of my mission. We don't know anyone! We are just thrown into this big old mess! Haha heck we still don't know half the people we should. I just want to be the best trainer that I can, and I feel like I'm not doing as well as I could because neither of us know who any of these people are. But I know that I will get figured out eventually. It's going to be hard. It's going to take time, and it's going to take
a lot of prayers. I am definitely humbled, I am feeling the love for everyone we talk to. I am becoming more of the missionary that I want to be.

A part of the stake presidency lives in our ward. He told the zone leaders that he was really impressed with us, and that we are some of the best missionaries he has seen. We are going to work our best and hardest to be THE best missionaries he's seen :) we have that desire. Lots of people in the zone introduce us to people as studs of missionaries. Who are great missionaries. I hope that someday I can
live up to those expectations as well as my own.

I love you all. I miss you, but this work is amazing, and I am needed. Heck we are all needed. Look for missionary opportunities! Go out with the missionaries! They need as much help as they can get. When you see them invite them in, give them some people to stop by. They are working hard. Well hopefully. Just know that I love you all.

Elder Hamrick

The Kansas boys ( missing one) 

Me and Elder Brase 

My posterity: Elder Brase (my son), me, elder olschewski (my dad), elder Murdock(my grandpa and zone leader), and elder Burk (my great grandpa). We have the best posterity in the mission! And one of the largest!

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